I have bitched a lot about the performance and usability of YouTube on the PS3. It is very very bad. It is abismal. There are two ways of watching YouTube videos from your PS3. From the normal YouTube site or from the YouTubeXL. The first choice simply does not work. The javascript on the site is very heavy for the lame PS3 browser and you cannot even click on the search button to look for something. Abandon this way altogether. The YouTubeXL service is badly implemented and it does not allow you to view all the videos on the service. Official music videos, for example, are out as the service informs you that you cannot play this video from your device (the TV). It is the same thing that happens with certain media players that have an embedded YouTube player. In addition the XL site rarely renders correctly or in full screen.
But wait, there is a third method that actually works! Thanks to a friend of allroundgeek Mac Perlinski I can now watch YouTube videos from my PS3. Mac suggested to use the www.youps3tube.com service which removes all fancy javascript stuff from the page and thus allows the crappy PS3 browser to render the page correctly. At the same time it allows all the videos to be played since it is not the XL version. The video quality from the PS3 browser is not great but I can live with that since it actually works. If you are having the same problem with me give www.youps3tube.com a try and be a happy camper.
you tube on ps3 is rubbish because of the browser. If the ps3 had a decent browser the there would be no need for you tube xl. I just dont know why sony does not support it and keep it up to date flash10 etc.If sony does not want to support it they should let people install there own browser.I think sony just does not care. Can anyone tell me why they have not supported the browser or just used one like google chrome. I dont think it would cost [all those ps3 using your browser]
I could not agree more with you mate. It turns out that PS3's browser is piece of crap called Netfront and it is the same browser featured in PSP. Netfront is a mobile browser, a browser created for embedded devices such mobile phones and Sony is using it for the PS3. That explains alot of shortcoming and bad performance, but it still makes you wonder WHY? WHY the hell did they use this browser? Why are they not using a proper one?
If ps3 had a decent browser, Sony could use it to sell the ps3. With cloud computing [googlle documents] people could use the ps3 to do word processing, spreadsheets etc sony would make a lot of money by selling more consoles. I think sony are not innovating and just following the 360 and wii I own a 360 and playing online with the ps3 seems a couple of years behind the 360. Have you tried google videos to watch you tube
If ps3 had a decent browser, Sony could use it to sell the ps3. With cloud computing [googlle documents] people could use the ps3 to do word processing, spreadsheets etc sony would make a lot of money by selling more consoles. I think sony are not innovating and just following the 360 and wii I own a 360 and playing online with the ps3 seems a couple of years behind the 360. Have you tried google videos to watch you tube
I agree with you yet again. I do not think the Sony cares about the media capabilities of its console. I also find PSN store a bit confusing and tiresome to browse for games. So far I do not have a lot of complaints about playing online since it is mostly handled by games themselves and not the PSN. I hope that with a future update they will change the browser used.
www.youps3tube.com meets my needs for youtube viewing except from the video quality which is crappy.
Hey mastorak I'm happy to hear YouPS3Tube meets your need to tell you the truth I cannot understand why google haven't implemented something more descent than YouTube XL it's like all QA doesn't count when we talk about this product.
If you guys use it please give me some feedback on Facebook.
About video quality there is no simple way of increasing video quality. If someone has any ideas how to make a workaround i'll be more than happy to implement them into YouPS3Tube.com
Hey Mac, thanks for getting back to us.
I had not realised you were they creator of www.youps3.com . Kudos on that! You did a terrific job. I really appreciate your effort since i can now watch youtube on my PS3.
I do not think that the video quality is an issue with your service. It is most probably an issue with the flash capabilities of the PS3 Browser which is crap.
I am not a facebook user, otherwise I would certainly give you feedback from facebook. If you have any updates please let us know. We would be happy to post them.
Thanks again for a great service!
Well as a simplicity is the major key of the youps3tube.com we dont want to really change much or introduce any features which will make it unstable.
We do think about easy playlist creation which will give users a possibility of having playlist for one session lifetime - so they don't have to login to the service.
Another feature is personal history of watched videos as we often want to show something we ve seen before.
It's still a draft of the project but it's a working concept and i'm happy to hear some of you are using it also.
Thank you for the info mac. Both ideas sound exciting and I would find them very useful especially the history feature.
youtube XL is crap, videos are of minecraft quality. I've read about ps3youtube.com but I still don't know if its good, im still at work and maybe i can get to try it once i get back home.. the ps3 is such a powerful machine but it boggles the mind that it cant play high quality videos from youtube!
We have to petition Sony to put a better browser on the ps3 that's the only way to fix it.
There's no reason it can't have a top of the range browser and be just like a pc or mac when using a mouse and keyboard.
An old amd athlon xp running windows 98 can provide a pleasing browsing experience for goodness sake, the PS3's a monster in comparison.
Lazy lazy Sony, you are in debt because you didn't try hard enough.
simple answer to why the browser sucks. overheating. some web pages drag down the processor, especially in multiple tabs/windows. this could overheat the PS3. so for a better browser, it would need better hardware.
Better hardware? The PS3 is a power horse. Better browsers run on the simplest of HW with no issues. It is absolutely not because of overheating. It is because Sony never invested in porting or developing a proper browser for the machine and just used a lame last decade mobile phone browser on it...
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