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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Best. Videogame. Ever. (?)

Such bizarre news do not arrive every day. It has been reported that a videogame version of the movie Antichrist by Lars Von Trier is being developed, called Eden. It should be reminded that Antichrist was released in Cannes two months ago creating a huge reaction, both positive and negative. The movie which stars Willelm Dafoe, features among other things, a closeup of a clitorectomy, as well as well as Dafoe's penis amputation. The game is produced by Von Trier and is developed by Morten Iversen, who wrote the Hitman games, and will also feature Dafoe's voice as the main game character. This is truly strange. What's next? Dancer in the Dark FPS?


Eraserheadx said...

that should be interesting!

stamos said...

Χμμμ πως μου ξέφυγε αυτό...

mastorak said...
